
How To Set Up A Foundation In Memory Of Someone


Barry Tucker, son of the opera singer Richard Tucker, in front of a monument to his father near Lincoln Center. The Tucker family created a charitable foundation to honor the singer.

Credit... George Etheredge for The New York Times

WHEN Barry Tucker thinks about his childhood spent roaming backstage at the Metropolitan Opera, he fondly recalls the performers' elaborate costumes. Made up of mile-loftier hairpieces and ornate combinations, they were worn by some of the most famous names in opera.

Among them was his father, Richard Tucker — a former silk salesman and cantor who became one of the greatest tenors in the world.

"He sang for every president from Truman on," said Mr. Tucker, 78, an executive financial adviser at JPMorgan Chase, who lives in Manhattan. "He worked all the time. And he did a lot for charity."

In January 1975, Richard Tucker died of a heart assault while on tour in Kalamazoo, Mich. He was 60.

His funeral was held onstage at the Met — the but time that has ever occurred at Lincoln Center, the Met said. His family, though, was unsure how best to preserve his memory.

"A general managing director from the Met said, 'You've got to exercise something to help other American opera singers,'" Mr. Tucker said.

Spurred by that suggestion, he and his family unit started a foundation in his father's honor, the Richard Tucker Music Foundation. Simply weeks later on, on Feb. vi, 1975, a concert was held at Carnegie Hall, with gain going to the Metropolitan Opera Fund.

While some people cock plaques, statues or buildings to remember a loved ane who has died, others start foundations, scholarships or memorial funds.

While there is no minimum fiscal requirement to start a foundation, the process can exist laborious. There are many costs and responsibilities associated with doing and then. A board must be set up, regular filings are required and meetings must be held and minutes kept.

"It takes a swell deal of time, attempt, and idea to work through all the areas of law, finance, and direction that need to be considered," said Elizabeth Krempley, a spokeswoman for the Council on Foundations, a nonprofit clan of grant-making foundations and corporations that also provides resources to assist people fix up charities.

There are other options that can make the process more toll-effective and easier to manage.

COLLECTING ONLINE Some families raise money on internet crowdfunding platforms like Eolith a Gift, CrowdRise or GoFundMe, which deduct a minor fee from each campaign.

A day after Alice Flaherty retired in November 2022 from her nursing job at what was then Lakewood Hospital, in Ohio, she was told she had lung cancer. She died a niggling over a yr later on, at age 63.

"My wife made a request to our son and daughter: 'Make sure the kids, the grandkids don't forget about me,'" said her husband, Dan Flaherty, 68, a retired teacher.

In September 2022, he and his family enlisted local and corporate sponsors and established the Honey a Nurse Run to honor Ms. Flaherty, an gorging runner. The inaugural event, a five-kilometer run and a one-mile walk, attracted nearly 800 participants.

Her family created the Alice Flaherty Excellence in Nursing Scholarship Fund with the help of an accountant simply went to YouCaring to solicit donations. The site charges a 3 pct credit card processing fee and asks for a carve up voluntary amount from donors afterward they contribute to a campaign.

The fund has awarded 84 scholarships worth over $76,000, and the third annual Love a Nurse Run is scheduled for Sunday.

OUTSOURCING MANAGEMENT Others want to collect money in memory of a loved one, but they eschew the management of the funds.

Scholarship America, a nonprofit grouping based in Minneapolis, will design and manage scholarship programs and memorial funds. Fees for managing the scholarships start at a couple of thousand dollars, depending on the level of complexity and customization of each program, said Mimi Daly Larson, the group's senior vice president.

Another possibility is CharitySmith National Society of Memorial Funds. It charges a $700 offset-upwardly fee the first yr, and a $516 annual maintenance fee. If the fund raises more than $12,000, at that place is a i-time fee of four.3 percent of the amount raised.

Through CharitySmith, Veronica Wennekamp, a business organization analyst in Memphis, started Hallelujah Helen Memorial Fund, which provides summer camp scholarships to children ages 5 to 12 in the United states of america, in memory of her mother-in-law, Helen Wennekamp.

Meghan Fink and her three siblings did something like, founding the Stephen E. Fink Memorial Fund in accolade of their father, who died of amyloidosis in Jan 2010.

In addition to participating in claret drives and a bone marrow registry, they concur an consequence called the Thanksgiving Share a Repast, open to anyone in the Pasadena, Calif., area, at the restaurant their begetter started 21 years ago.

"To requite back when y'all've lost so much is really the only style forward," said Ashley Galleher, 28, the executive director of CharitySmith, which oversees more than 120 active funds. "The grieving process is way more of a burden to acquit when you're not giving back to other people."

And then at that place are those, like Katie Nicholson, who eventually feel confident enough to fly solo. Ms. Nicholson, 31, started the Zio Nick Memorial Fund on CharitySmith in memory of her father, Michael, who died of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in October 2022. She is at present obtaining her own nonprofit status, to ensure her system is not subject field to federal taxes. "Creating a nonprofit gives me the power to fully align and set my own mission," she said.

OUTSOURCING PAPERWORK Those who want to manage and collect money on their own can opt for a donor-brash fund, a charitable giving vehicle in which organizations like The Jewish Communal Fund or The New York Community Trust will file paperwork, direct the coin to a chosen charity and simplify the procedure, for a fee.

"You tin can take a taxation deduction right abroad," said David Samuels, a New York lawyer who specializes in setting upwardly and advising charitable organizations. "And then y'all tin make requests to that charity equally to where the money should become."

KEEPING IT GOING In the years since its founding, Mr. Tucker'south foundation, which awards financial prizes to rising American opera stars, has raised millions of dollars, and its almanac concert is scheduled for Oct. 30 at Carnegie Hall. It will feature artists including Anna Netrebko and Renée Fleming.

"You try to honor people when they're live, but sometimes it's too belatedly," Mr. Tucker said. "But 41 years after my father died, I'll sell out Carnegie Hall. These people never saw or heard my father live, just all the same, they'll sing for united states of america in his honor."

His large worry is succession — he has no thought who will take over the foundation later he dies.

His brothers, children and grandchildren are all music lovers, but he has been the one nigh involved in the organization.

"I have the relationship with all the singers," he said. "No singer in the world has ever said no to me, and they all sing for gratuitous."


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